Part 61: 09/21/09 - 09/23/09

No, don't worry, you didn't miss anything here.

> The typhoon has completely passed. Through the window, the sky looks clear.
> You feel refreshed.
> Today is Respect for the Aged Day. The holiday lasts until the 23rd...

Needless to say, pretty much everyone is going to comment on how we just missed 2 days of not being able to do anything anyway.

We've managed to avoid dying!

Since it's a day-off, our options are a little more limited than I'd have liked. We could talk to Mamoru or something, sure, but I think visiting some old friends first is more prudent.

> Bunkichi is sleep talking.

I, uh, didn't...?

Whew boy, do I have some bad news for you guys...

> You feel the old couple's great appreciation...

Kohryu, alternatively Huang Long, is a big ol' golden dragon who owns a fair bit in theory... but in practice isn't that great here. He was even buffed to level 66 in this version whereas in vanilla he was level 61. Unfortunately he's technically WORSE here since he lost some of his better skills...

> You talked with the old couple until sunset.
> After saying goodbye to Bunkichi and Mitsuko, you decided to go back to the dorm.

Yeah, uh, it's kinda surprising how most folks here have something new to say already. Sorta.

Eriko Kirishima is an actual legit English speaking woman who was even super into the occult. I don't mean that like Lisa's parents this time, though that is an easy parallel. While those are weeby losers, Eriko just talks in actual real English sometimes. She's remarkably capable and competent and does things that help move the plot along at a decent clip the entire time for good measure. She's noteworthy in that she is playable in both the SEBEC and Snow Queen routes... and Persona 2 Eternal Punishment. She IS in Innocent Sin as well, though just as an NPC.
Her primary Arcana is Judgement (which is my go-to when people try and insist that playable characters are only Fool through Death), and her initial Persona is Nike, the Goddess of Victory. And because Eriko is awesome, she'll sometimes summon her Persona just to have someone to vent to.

So, we're off to Tartarus tonight. This is a trip that we're doing for a couple reasons. We're delaying a phone call so that we get a thing for Sunday, sure...

But we're also running Tziah a lot to get this thing to spawn. It only appears in a Gold chest on floor 118 (and a couple above 122 but that comes later).

So, we have some new Fusion types what we can do. Cross, Pentagon and Hexagon are the three we just unlocked and they're all much simpler than you'd think. Unlike Normal/Triangle...

We don't select 4+ demons from our stock. Rather, we select from a small list of predetermined results and it tells us what we need instead. We'll make Black Frost now that we can, and... uh... wow, yeah, um they really delayed giving you these a bit too much.

Well, hellooooo there! This is an upgrade over the Mage's Mark, of course, but a bit more than you'd think. Mage's Mark is just Invigorate 1 (regens 3 SP a turn) as an accessory. The Wizard's Mark is Invigorate 3 (regens 7 SP a turn). Yep. Thanks, Elizabeth! It doesn't sound super great, no, but it actually really kinda is.
Would've been better if we could get it earlier, though.

Well, these aren't great by any means, no, but free stat boosts are never a bad thing. I might end up using them one day, maybe.

Next on our chain of fusion requests is to just make a Girimehkala. I get the distinct feeling the game expects us to be about 5 or so levels lower than we reasonably should be at this point. For some reason.

Because we can make Girimehkala right now. Even if I didn't try to keep everyone around the same level, this'd still end up happening right now.

As you might've figured, since we have three Phys elements, someone like Girimehkala isn't anywhere near as good (on paper) as they normally are. We definitely won't be using this guy much because only repelling Slash is pretty niche and then we have two weaknesses on top of it...

Sadly, we're not quite a high enough level to make Nebiros yet. He's level 50 which we're closer to than I'd have expected (and honestly liked) right now, though.

Ooh, well, well, well. Hello there. I see that Elizabeth now wants us to make one of the best Personae in the game to begin with. So, Daisoujou is level 53 so we can't make him juuuuust yet. As soon as we can though, Daisoujou will pass level 56 by default from fusion (he's a Hierophant) at which point he gives us our earliest and first unique skill. Exciting!

That's it for what we're doing in Tartarus today, though. We'll be back in the near future to actually climb it higher, though.

Oh, right. I forgot about that up until Aigis reminded me. Still wasn't sure of what to do but I finally got an idea last night.

Newscaster: Everyone with laundry out on the line can rest assured that it'll be dry by afternoon.
Not much in the dorm today, since everyone's just repeating stuff from yesterday evening now.
So... I think it's time we go and do it. It's time we finally meet the best character in the game.
Other than Koromaru, who's a dog and thus shouldn't be counted because of his unfair advantage.

We only need Charm 2 for this guy. So, uh, yeah we may have sat on this for a little bit longer than expected! Well, Kenji can tell you about him reaaaaaaaaally early after all.

Isn't the entire point to make it difficult? Like, I'm not exactly much of a gourmand but c'mon.

Anyway, despite implying that we need to come back at a later date that's not true at all. Let's just talk to him again right now.

Wow, he wasn't kidding. That really is a freebie!

Hmm, y'know, I think we might have something. How's this?

Middle-aged Man: You know what I'm here for. Hand it over.

Middle-aged Man: ...Pipe down. I don't wany anyone getting suspicious.

Middle-aged Man: You're going to have to reconsider. I really can't let this one slide.

> Nozomi seems to have warmed up to you.
> You became acquainted with Nozomi Suemitsu, the Gourmet King.

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

> Nozomi's stomach is growling loudly.

> Nozomi ran off.
> It was getting dark, so you returned to the dorm.
Now, I know what you're thinking. I called Nozomi the best character. I'm memeing you hard right now, right?
Heh. Heheheh. Heheheheheheh...

Anyway, Junpei's wishful thinking!

Well, in my experience throwing a ramen stand at a Shadow deals Force damage... and that isn't an element here, so...

Well, if all 3 attack at once that might get a bit risky and dangerous. If it's one-by-one then we can walk it no big deal, though.
And, we're not off to Tartarus just yet.

We'll wrap up this break, at the very least, though.

We did briefly hear about this extra movie day exactly once before now.

Well, if we ever needed proof that sometimes capitalism works then I guess we found it. Good ol' indie movies.

Newscaster: They have calculated the timing of when victims will recover, and when new victims will be claimed... People are waiting to hear the exact day that victims will begin to increase next month...
Did it happen...? Did they finally notice the full moon thing? That we noticed back in May, because the SEES gang are not-so-secretly really competent?

Shinji is only one year older than we are, remember. He ain't exactly an old man or anything.

Unsurprisingly, this would be a Courage boost if we somehow still needed that.

Not quite the best movie date we've ever had, but it's certainly up there.

Well, we're not quite off to Tartarus today but... we probably will like tomorrow or Friday. To that end...

Let's talk about the boss real quick. The Sleeping Table is one of two infamous bosses in Tartarus for when things quickly escalate. It is, for my money, the relative hardest fight in the main game because he has... 50 Magic, Maragidyne (which hitting a resist still does about 150 damage because fuck you), Megidola (which is Almighty damage so... gg no re) and the nastiest combination in scaring someone with a near guarantee and then using an instant kill that wipes out everyone who's inflicted with Fear.
Also he has Hamaon so even if you try and be clever he'll nuke you with Megidola or just murder Koromaru with expel.
Mercifully, he only has 20 Endurance and only resists Phys and Fire (Strike is the only non-ID elemental null).
As tempting as it is to put this to a vote, that's what I'm...
Going to do, fuck it. There's a couple restrictions this time though:

Junpei is coming, no questions asked. Pretty much entirely because he tied with Aigis last time, yeah. He'll maybe get Marakukaja on the way, and is almost certainly going to be running pure support the entire fight. There's even technically a chance Re Patra could be useful for once ever. But, uh, probably not.

Koromaru is banned. I know, I know, it's Koromaru and he nullifies the Maragidyne and all but he's just an active liability. And not even a fun one! Being weak to Hamaon is a literal death sentence and his only attacks being Slashing, Fire and Dark is just a waste of everyone's time. He's not even a good support character here.

Shinji is also banned, because he also has nothing to contribute. Unlike with Koromaru, this is just a boring reason. He only has Strike which is nullfiied and Slashing which is resisted and Evil Smile would be nice and funny but... Shinji has 20 Luck. He's going to die to the same thing we could do with it, pretty much guaranteed.
Everyone below this point is fine and dandy, though!

Yukari better get that Mediarama otherwise she's not gonna be able to keep up with the Table. ST Diarama isn't sufficient (all of the Table's attacks are either MT or instant death...) and Media is adorably worthless. Her damage from Garula'll be okay the one time she'd maybe get to do it, but that's not why we'd be bringing her.

Akihiko only has one skill left before he's learned everything, wow. And while he's not gonna be super-great for damage (at least Elec is neutral...) or healing, ST debuffs are all we need here and he can just chain all 3 in perpetuity which is very nice.

Mitsuru's... risky. She's not a bad pick, per se, but she's not gonna be super useful either. Ampted Bufulas should be doing pretty okay damage, at least. The biggest mercy is that since Maragidyne is multi-target her Fire weakness doesn't let the Sleeping Table get One Mores.
Except in Portable, but shhh don't let anyone know.

Aigis is pure support here, but not even really good support. That her buffs are all ST means that she can only bolster one person at a time and she usually goes Suku and then Raku on one person... before shifting to someone else to start to do the same too. Her AI is not very good at support, no.
Dekunda's not gonna be useful at all, since the Table has no debuffs at its disposal.

Ken's really not useful here unfortunately. Portable gives him Mediarama, which he is lacking here entirely. His skill after Hamaon is Recarm at level 42, which'd be nice - considering his own resistance to that pesky Hamaon floating around - but not critical. There's nothing really that he can do that someone else can't already do better. Zionga's his biggest contribution and it's not a very well done one at that. Oh well!
So, all that said we still have two slots to fill.